Toys have been used since prehistoric times and they have always played a significant role in child development.
Of course, over all these centuries, people have witnessed the emergence of new toys and the fading of some types of toys.
There were also toys that were upgraded and improved even though they were based on some early toys.
In order to learn more about this phenomenon that has amused the humanity since its earliest days, we have to analyze the history and evolution of toys.
The first toys ever made in history
Parents give their children toys in order to help them unleash their creativity and imagination and new learn things.
Today, it is very easy to find different kinds of toys made from different materials.
However, in the past, children had to play with whatever they can find.
Although it is almost impossible to determine the first toy in the world, most experts agree that the stick is probably the oldest one.
This is quite natural because even today, children like to use sticks and use them for throwing, as battling items, to play and have fun with domestic animals and pets or to use them as part of their creative play.
Of course, although the stick (and probably rocks) is considered to be the oldest toy, the fact is that there are many other toys that were used even four millennia ago.
Some of these toys include dolls, yo-yos and spinning tops.
For example, archeologists have found a doll head made of stone from 1.000 B.C. on a small Italian island.
Ancient Greeks and Egyptians have played with yo-yos and clay tops for hundreds of years.
As you can see, the first toys were simple, yet they’ve provided a lot of fun to children.
What is even more interesting is that some of these toys are used even today.
Toys through the centuries
As we have mentioned before, there is no solid evidence that people (especially children) in prehistoric times have used toys.
However, most experts say that children back then have probably played with rocks and sticks that had off shapes because they found them amusing just like modern kids.
If we want to analyze the evolution of toys through centuries, we should start with ancient toys.
This is a huge period of time, which is why there are so many different toys.
Back in those days, people were not connected so well like today, so every civilization had its own toys even though some of them were similar.
For instance, in Ancient Greece, children have enjoyed in toys like tops and rattles and pull toys.
It’s good to mention that even in this period there were special toys for boys and for girls, and toys that were used by both genders.
Girls in Ancient Greece were playing with dolls made of terra cotta, clay, glass, and ivory.
What’s even more interesting is that Ancient Greek kids were playing with marbles too.
Ancient Egyptians were quite wealthy, so it is no surprise why many adults and kids were depicted in activities that include games and toys.
Contrary to popular belief, they had sophisticated toys like wooden toys with mobile parts.
Archeologists have found a wooden hippo with jaws that can close and open.
They’ve also used clay rattles, people made of clay and many other interesting toys.
On the other hand, ancient Roman kids and adults enjoyed playing with kites, knucklebones, hoops, models of animals and people, wooden swords, wax dolls, rag dolls and board games.

Finally, the toys in Ancient China were quite impressive too.
In addition, to some of the toys we have already mentioned, Chinese children were playing with toys like bamboo flutes, colorful rattles, reed pipes, roly-poly figurines, marbles, masks, dolls and other interesting toys.
With the coming of the Middle Ages, the quality and versatility of toys have increased drastically.
Truth be told, only a small number of people (including children) could afford to play with these toys for a long time, but children got access to more complex and more realistic toys.
Just like in the case of ancient times, the vast majority of toys in the Middle Ages were made by parents.
It’s good to point out that during the Medieval period childhood was quite short.
However, this didn’t prevent parents to encourage their kids to play.
In most cases, they’ve provided toys that were closely related to the gender of their kid.
The reason was simple – they wanted to prepare their children for their adulthood.
Boys have used toys that were mirroring the current situation in most countries during Medieval times – war, combat, battles.

They enjoyed playing with toy soldiers, wooden swords, riding sticks etc.
Some boys were playing football with specially created balls from pig’s bladder while others enjoyed archery.
On the other hand, girls were using toys and games that could help them prepare themselves for becoming women and wives.
Early modern toys have reflected the latest advantages in the field of technology and science.
This means that these toys were more interesting and exciting.
Printing has led to the emergence of many new toys like jigsaw puzzles, playing cards, dominoes, and teetotums were quite popular too but they were primarily used by adults.
The middle of the 20th centuries has brought TV shows and programs which included different children’s characters.
These characters have become real heroes to children.
As a result of that, many established toy manufacturers have started making toys based on these characters.
They were also creating special toy sets inspired by animated movies and shows.
Needless to say, the toys in this period of evolution were very advanced and much more interesting and exciting.
Toys have also become more affordable.
Toys nowadays
In case you are visiting an online (or physical) toy store, you will notice that there is a myriad of choices.
From moving fun mobiles to realistic lullaby performing teddy bears, there is a toy for literally every kid on the planet.
Another great thing about toys nowadays is that most of them are classified according to the recommended age.
These recommendations are based on studies and research, so buyers can’t go wrong when they are buying a toy.
One of the most important things that we have to mention about modern toys is that most of these toys include the latest technological advancements in them.
Some people say that this is wrong, but on the other hand, we can’t keep our kids aside and we can’t pretend that our world has not changed and that modern men and women depend on modern technology.
Although toys are used for entertainment, many of them are used for educational purposes.
The modern society is fond of tech gadgets like phones, special gaming consoles and MP3 players and tablets and many experts believe that kids are not different.
This is the reason why toys that are able to create different lights, sounds, and toys with different movements are so popular.
The majority of toys today include terms and concepts that are used today.
In this way, you can allow your children to learn these new concepts since earliest age.
Kids usually love their toys and they tend to talk about their toys with their peers.
In other words, by allowing your kid to play with the latest toys available in the market, you will help you kid blend in.
There are many different types of modern toys.
One of the most popular ones is the construction set.
These sets allow children to build structures.
The most notable examples of toy brands manufacturing construction sets include Lincoln Logs and Lego.
Miniatures and dolls are still quite popular, but modern toys of this kind come with extra features that make them look more realistic.
Dolls can talk, move and even perform some physical activities.
This is something that children in the past could only dream about.
Furthermore, children still like miniature vehicles, but nowadays they can use not just wind-up vehicles.
They can use battery charged vehicles and vehicles with Wi-Fi controllers.
Those interested in useful toys that stimulate thinking and intelligence can purchase puzzle games.
In the end, we must mention the digital toys and video games.
Digital toys include some type of interactive digital technology.
Handheld electronic games and virtual pets are great examples of toys like this.
In addition, many modern children are playing video games.
Although video games are not technically toys, they are still a great way to help children have fun and develop their physical and mental skills.
Modern gaming consoles come with accessories like cameras that detect movements and special controllers that promise a lot of fun and excitement.
The interest in toys is higher than ever, so we can freely say that the future of toys is bright.