Harry Potter toys have been extremely popular ever since the release of the first book, making the Harry Potter LEGO sets a great gift for both LEGO and Harry Potter fans.
The LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle set allows the user to control all the characters from the movie and all their accessories: magic wands, flying brooms, the Basilisk fang, the Gryffindor sword and Tom Riddle’s diary.
The set even contains Dementors, surrounding the castle. Hogwarts Castle Lego set is listed in our article about 8 of the best Lego Harry Potter sets.
Main Features of the LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle Set
The set includes 927 pieces, measures 3.9 x 15.1 x 22.4 inches and weighs 4.6 pounds. It is recommended to children of at least 7 years old.
The LEGO Hogwarts Castle set is probably the most complex of all the LEGO Harry Potter sets featuring a total of 4 buildings, including the Great Hall, and 3 towers:
- The Astronomy Tower
- The Common Rooms
- Dumbledore’s Office.
Each building includes different rooms and numerous secrets related to the Harry Potter theme.
The Astronomy Tower features the Room of Requirement, situated on the bottom floor, containing a Vanishing Cabinet; the middle floor is the Restricted Section of the library and the top of the tower is the observation roof.
The second building is known as the Common Rooms and has four floors, including the attic, which is actually the Owlery, housing a grey, a brown and a white owl, each of them having bird droppings around them (I guess they went a little overboard with the level of detail). Beneath the attic lies the Gryffindor Common Room, decorated with red chairs and a fireplace, the one through which Sirius Black speaks to Harry. On the second floor, there is a rotating Suit of Armor hiding the diary of Tom Riddle behind it. Finally, on the first floor lies the Slytherin Common Room, not too different from the Gryffindor one, except it is decorated with green snakes and black chairs.
The Great Hall represents the set’s main building. Transparent bricks, resembling stained glass, can be found on either side of the building. The interior of the hall is decorated with Gryffindor and Slytherin banners as well as a rotating candelabra hanging from the ceiling. Inside the Great Hall, you can find two long tables with benches on every side, as well as two staff chairs and the announcement podium.
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Finally, the fourth building contains Dumbledore’s Office on the second floor and the trophy room on the first floor. A spiral staircase makes Dumbledore’s office accessible via the trophy room. The office features two false cabinets, hiding a basilisk fang and a letter, numerous potions, a frog and a crystal ball.
The Sword of Gryffindor can also be found in this room, hanging across the ceiling, as well as the Sorting Hat which rests within the roof piece.

The Main Advantages of the LEGO Hogwarts Castle Set
- The multitude of pieces allows you to build an amazing castle with all details very close to the original one from the movie, or build a new castle from scratch guided by your own imagination;
- Having a great number of figurines is another advantage worth mentioning; children will love this, as they can play with their favorite character and create their own stories;
- Discovering the secret passages and backdoors is very entertaining for children that are passionate about mysteries;
- The building instructions are written clearly, step by step, so that any child should be able to finish it without any problems.
The Main Drawbacks
Given the fact there are so many demanding customers, it is almost impossible to satisfy everyone’s desires; therefore, some might complain about the expensive price of the set, the small size of some of the rooms and the complexity of the set. However, most of the reviewers were satisfied with this set.
What Do Reviewers Say about the Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle Set?
Here are some excerpts from their testimonials:
“What I Loved: The overall look of the parts of LEGO Harry Potter Hogwarts Castle. The exterior of each building looks amazing, and each comes with its own unique finishes. Also, you have a lot of freedom to customize the layout of the stage, which is a great thing not only for those who just want to play but also for collectors, as they can enhance the buildings as they like. The minifigures: With this LEGO Hogwarts castle set, you get quite a lot of them, with great details. Also, you get tons of accessories and special building pieces.
What I Didn’t Love: I wasn’t very impressed with the scaling. While each of the buildings looks great on its own, they are scaled differently; this kind of changes the overall look of the stage.
My Advice: Get this LEGO castle set. This will surely be an amazing asset for any Harry Potter fan. On the other hand, if you’re not that into Harry Potter, the set will most probably make you start loving it. You will want to get all the books after finishing the assembly, as this is really a sweet Castle.” (John K., 38)
“The construction is beautiful. There are all kinds of amazing surprises, some quite visible, but also others that I wouldn’t have discovered were there if I hadn’t built it myself! I love the overall look and how close to the books and the movie all the elements are.” (Christine W., 24)
“The figurines are great; I love that there are so many teachers included in the set; though it is quite weird they included Hermione and Harry in the kit, but not Ron as well. All in all this is a wonderful set and I would definitely recommend it to any Lego fan as well as any Harry Potter fan!” (Suresh P, 28)
Bottom Line
The LEGO Harry Potter: Hogwarts Castle set is surely a must buy; it will prove to be a wonderful incursion in the world of Harry Potter and a true opportunity to use your imagination to create your own fantasy world.